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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Techie Topic of the week:7/16/2011

First and foremost, welcome to my Blog.  Even though Ive been in the IT industry for quite some time in my life, I have never been on a blog site. NEVER!!! Well, I mean there was Myspace, which i did write on a few blogs of my moods, but it wasnt a truly dedicated site like this one.   HOLY COW I LOVE THIS!!! Anywho,  I have been certified in Comptia and Microsft as a certified technician as well as a system administration.  I have worked for such high companies such as Merck, Pfizer, and Fujifilm, as well as doing side projects for the friends and family aspect.  If you are a fellow techie or an auto techie, you know how the drill is.  You get that call at 6 pm from Mom or Dad, or even Uncle Dave, asking you what that noise is  thats coming from their computer.  (Somehow I have a sixth sense that i can use through the phone and tell you what the nosie or message is, or so these end users think.)    Hey, because of me, my dad is the only one he knows that has a laptop running vista for the past 5 years and it still runs. with little to  no issues.  You wanna know why?  Thats right, , because of yours truly, me:)

Which brings me to my Techie Topic of the Week.   We all know how we get sick.  We cough, we sneeze, and we feel like absolute garbage.  We dont feel like working, and when we are working, we just want to throw up.  Well folks, thats what can happen when your computer gets a virus.  It can run slow, hang up on you, make you take forever to get to a webpage or  run a program.  And what do most people do about it? Nothing.  Well except for cursing at it, clicking on something over and over agin, and borderline laying the smackdown on it.  Then they try to bring it to Geek Squad or Easytech, who will rob them blind and lose their data in the process.  Way to Go!!!  

You can avoid this by getting  yourself some antivirus software and updating it  at least once a week.  If you hzve money to spend, go wit Norton 360.  For around 60 bucks, you can have it installed on up to three PCS and be covered for at least one year.  Thats a lot better than spending close to 500 dollars on a store just because a high school kid dressed up like steve urkel  at one of those stores said it was "absolutely necessary"

Now , if your light or have no money, then I strongly recommend using a free software called Avasti Antivirus.  Its free to download, free to register, and updates itself everyday, which is pretty sweet considering the price (Did I mention that its free, BTW?)  This should provide well enough protection from viruses for the average user.  I say average user because we got those people out there that like to download illegal stuff and get hacked beyond control and not even Norton could help those fools from losing their data...well those kind of people deserve what they get, in my opinion.

I hope this blog opened a lot of eyes and ears, and I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this.  Stay tuned for my next blog when I discuss about disk fragmentation, the silent killer.

God bless


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